Weird is not the problem

Weird is not the problem

Weird is not the problem

The problem is not weird people or nasty people or deplorable people
The problem is embracing lying as a political tool, might-makes-right as a value system, autocracy as a form of government, and bowing to an autocratic regime (where talking back means risking the safety of you and your loved ones) as our new way of life.
That is the problem here.

Mean is the problem
Dishonest and manipulative is the problem
Forcing your will on others is the problem
Pretending your will is God’s will is the problem
Choosing autocracy over democracy is the problem

Imagining you can trust a thugocracy to do your bidding is the problem.
Governments of the Donald for the Donald and by the Donald don’t serve anyone except Donald.
Their only question is: How to keep Donald important, powerful, wealthy, fawned over?
Such a government cannot govern well for the simple reason that governing well is not even a goal.
And such a tyrannical temper-tantrum and face-stuff of a government will do whatever Donald thinks will help Donald consolidate power: maybe today abortion is illegal; maybe tomorrow there’s a one-child rule, and after that you have to have abortions — whatever it takes to keep the power in one tiny little place, in one hot little hand!

Not that if Donald succeeds in turning We-the-People into We-the-Donald, this nation will always remain We-the-Donald
Not even the great* Donald Trump can abide forever
However, We-the-Donald becomes We-the-Vance (or whoever hangs on long enough) much more easily and naturally than it goes back to being We-the-People

*[“He’s now president for life. President for life. And he’s great,” the US president reportedly told Republican donors.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day,” Trump added, according to CNN which obtained a recording of what it described as an upbeat, joke-filled speech.]
[‘Maybe we’ll give that a shot’: Donald Trump praises Xi Jinping’s power grab from The Guardian, published March 3, 2018]

Weird is not the problem today
Just like deplorable Trump supporters weren’t the problem in 2016

The problem existed somewhat in 2016; but is much worse today — now that these eight years have taught Donald that his style is more dictator than democratic president; and now that the Republican Party has managed to sideline those willing to stand up to Donald lying about the 2020 election and trying to steal the 2020 election, while also elevating those most willing to embrace Donald’s lying and cheating.

The problem is that Donald Trump is not fit to serve as president of the United States — largely because he’s never learned to value serving anything except his own greeds and ego-trips

The problem is that Donald Trump is a conman conning us all — no matter how we vote — out of the democratic process.
He is a selfish fool and systems that reward selfish foolishness are corrupt systems.
A healthy system rewards selfless service and wise speech and action.

A healthy system does not seriously consider handing power over to a man who worked to undermine democratic norms, rules, procedures, and institutions in his first term of office; who blatantly for months tried to steal the last presidential election; who continues to lie about that election and everything else; who routinely warms us up to the idea that he’s going to weaponize the DOJ to go after political rivals, punish the media for criticizing him, fix everything so his supporters won’t ever have to vote again, and otherwise
— as abusers do —
slowly make his way to our shoulders, down our backs, around to our bellies, then back again but now to the lower back, then caressing the tops of our buttocks, then …

Please let’s all here and now stop Trump
And then continue to work together to demand that our representatives in government
tell the truth
(Donald’s lying is off the [previous norm’s] charts; if that becomes the new norm, how will democracy survive?)
and put the democratic process, checks and balances, and the universal rule of law ahead of their own power.

Please let’s together gently but firmly say
No! to the GOP
until the GOP says
No! to Donald and
No! to those who would tag along with Donald and risk our shared democracy for the power to force their will on the rest of us.

The problem is not weird people or nasty people
The problem is embracing lying as a political tool, might-makes-right as a value system, autocracy as a form of government, and bowing to an autocratic regime (where talking back means risking the safety of you and your loved ones) as our new way of life.
That is the problem here.

We’re trying to win the hearts and minds of the nation
We’re fighting for the soul of the nation

“Weird” “nasty” “deplorable” are put-downs
And put-downs are never the whole truth

How can we fight for the whole truth unless we stick with
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God?

Author: BW
Editor: AW
Copyright: AMW

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