the problem with What Would Jesus Do? bracelets

the problem with What Would Jesus Do? bracelets

so I go to God, I go, “What you do if you were me, God? What would you do in my place?”

But then I’m like, “That doesn’t make any sense! It’s like saying, ‘What would you do if you were nothing at all like you are?’ How is that a meaningful question?”

But then turn it around and you see the problem with “What would Jesus Do?” bracelets.
Because If Jesus is like God, then those bracelets say, “What would you do if you were like God? That is to say: what would you do if you were nothing at all like you are? What would you do if you weren’t you?”

I can’t do what I’d do if I wasn’t anything like me.
That isn’t within my range of options.


but I’m afraid many of the bracelet wearers wouldn’t be comfortable with this theology

and yet I fear it’s the only way to coherently wear these bracelets

for supposing that Jesus is just that within us that is Good ruling us as a totality?
And so we weren’t so very different from Jesus at all,
and were in fact pretty much Jesus when we were in love with Goodness more than we were in love with stories about who we are and what we stand for and what we get

suppose Jesus wasn’t so different from us,
suppose Jesus is us on our best day,
when our head and heart are clear,
and we possess the magic freedom to be simultaneously happy, joyful, and good?


well, then the bracelets become workable

“What would I do if I organized my thinking and acting around the Goodness shining through all things–including each conscious moment? What would I do if I was at peace with myself, with God, and with others?”

But to return to my conversation with God,

I decided to let it go.

I just couldn’t see how God could long for not just romantic love, but such a frankly physical kind of romantic love. I just couldn’t see how God could want to put Godself in my shoes when it comes to this sort of thing. It just seemed inappropriate.

But then what heuristic should I use when deciding how to proceed?

But then the question got soft and mushy and moot

since I had

well, i just kinda

lost the thread

Author: I don’t know
Vaguely Present: Amble & Bartleby
copyright (in case it ever comes up): AM Watson

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