Squall to starboard

Squall to starboard

An evil decision by a selfish folk.
But a change in the boundaries of the game’s
not yet a cracked shell and spilt yolk.
So how to batten down what hatches, and tame
we know not what?
How to heal the cut
before the blood flows
we don’t even really know
if it’s so very deep
if the odds are so awfully steep

What’s the essay to prepare us for this squall?
How will it break and where will our defenses fall?

It was your duty to choose honest stewardship
over crimes writ large for all to see
And you didn’t
And so now?
words fail
so many possible vectors
I can tell you that it is poor seamanship to steer the ship at the squall
but what follows I know not and it’s too late the sails to trim; the hull to haul
away, rather than athwart,
the angry billows

What you did is wrong,
no matter how this goes
But how to get you to see our error while also
avoiding the worst and letting democracy live another day?
The system cracks, and the society as well, and together
they come crashing down to founder in sharp waves of their own making?
Or not so bad after all?
I’ve no idea

You tell me that the point of life is worshipping God
But I can’t help but notice that you
are lying to yourself about what God is, about who you are, about what you’re feeling, thinking, saying, doing
So the whole situation is awkward
an embarrassing conversation; the scones grow stale the tea cold our smiles thin

Author: Captain Justin Coffin
Editor: BW/AW
Copyright: AM Watson

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