Biographical 7: Poor Kent

Biographical 7: Poor Kent

[Chapters of Diary of an Adamant Seducer]

[Update November 2021: We’re back at Diary of Adamant Seducer. We’ll try to bundle it into a book someday. For now the chapters are linked to above. See Buy Our Books for the books we’ve already completed.]

Poor Kempt! It is a long cold most of all windy way to the Hall of the Mountain King. And Kempt is not Bartleby, nor is he travelling with Bartleby. Kempt can go by locomotives as far as the barren spaces and by stagecoach as far as the baked plains and by horseback to the felsen feet of the mighty mountains. But then Kempt will have to hike and climb up and up day after day into the stinging iceflake winds. Poor Kempt! I guess he feels duty-bound. I guess he remembers when teenage Amble with soft-spreading flattop and steel-railed smile took him around the block in that chintzy cloth-seat stroller with plastic wheels grating the uneven small-town, pebble-peaking, root-scattered sidewalk.

It will be alright. The children of the light will stand tall and guide his way. The creatures in the black lagoon will grab after him with webbed slimy nuke-bred hands, but the blessed influences will always swoop low and carry him just out of mayhem’s reach. Kempt will arrive at the Hall of the Mountain King. He will find the Mountain King rough but fair, jaded but kind.

Author: our bw
Editor: our aw
Copyright: our amw

[Chapters of Diary of an Adamant Seducer]

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