PLS Wrapper Idea
Pure Love soap:
Everyone’s complete victory follows axiomatically from the Essence/Nature of our product.
Pure Love soap:
Use the soap, keep the Love.
[In fact, you can no more escape the Love than a triangle can escape Cartesian space.
We might say:
Pure Love soap:
The essence of our product is your eternal Fate.
Pure Love soap:
The soap’s for sale; the Love’s unavoidable.
Pure Love soap:
Everyone’s complete victory follows axiomatically from the Essence/Nature of our product.]
Although this victory whites out all our individual egos, so to the extent it would be bragging rights, it undermines the meaningfulness of bragging rights.
Pure Love soap:
but that’s not the kind of victory we were talking about!
Pure Love soap:
one small consumer product; many insurmountable paradoxes.
Author: yeah
editor: well
copyright: AMW