PLS wrapper idea
Hello and Thank you!
from our family to yours
Thank you for purchasing
and in, we’re sure, some way loving
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap.
Hello and Thank you!
from our seamstress to your breeches
Thank you for giving us a try.
We’re just soap in the way that life is just life and love is just love.
We’re just soap like you’re just a person.
In the history of Bartleby Willard’s
Center for Pure Love Soap Study & Fabrication
we’ve had our ups and downs
In prehistoric times, our soap was often mistaken for food
In ancient history, our soap was often mistaken for sacrilege
In the First Century AD, our soap was often mistaken for useless
When the Barbarians swept through Rome, our soap was largely overlooked
When Medieval sages from London to Shanghai to Mesa Verde held forth, our soap was mentioned only rarely and often slightingly.
When the iron horse straddled continents and racing chimneys of billowing steam brought virtuos maidens to their iffy cowboys, our soap was sold beside power tonics and other sham wonders.
When Europe burned and Nagasaki evaporated, when the Cold War crept and Vietnam broke, as the US was proven right and then proved itself wrong and then proved itself at least for a moment dumb lucky, our soap bided its time.
But now!
Now information is practically unavoidable.
Now insight is a lazy searchengine meander away.
And so now
our time is here.
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap!
A product worth contemplating.
A joke worth the singing.
Our soap will clean what you bodily reek
but what it more deeply and sincerely seeks
is to do nothing at all.
That’s right!
You heard it hear first!
Our soap does nothing.
Our soap bows curtsies stands to one side.
Our soap laughs giggles hops out of the way.
Our soap does nothing.
And in this nothing
in this kind negligence
there you find yourself
there you find your way
there you find your joy
there we find our love.
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap!
Who even cares?
Why even dare?
A product worth forgetting.
A song you don’t quite recall.
An idea circling round and round
winding in and in, burrowing down and down.
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap!
Because just the whisper of a love that doesn’t ask for anything in return
just the hint of a love that isn’t here to get off or feel strong or loved or anything
just a gentle riddle about a love that only loves
is enough.
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap!
Because only The God Knows.
Because only the Light shows
the way home.
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap!
Buy it or don’t.
Like it or not.
No matter.
The Giggle advances.
The Light leaps in long-legged bounds.
The Joy wins.
Bartleby Willard’s Pure Love Soap.
Because we really mean it and in a world full of memes, that’s enough.
Because only Love is Real and everyone knows so.
Because game over.
Authors: B Willard & A Whistletown
Copyright: AMW
Editors: We skipped that step