Partner sought

Partner sought

Established but failed Pure Love salesman seeks partner/miracle.
Well-versed in theory and practice of Pure Love.
A good editor, energy/inside-out healer, and girl.
Project is to go into the mystic, heal what’s broken in and around, salvationate government for by and of the people, and nudge one another towards the better and away from the worse.
Salary commiserate with the decree of the Fates and the bounce of various grounders.

If we can be well, free,

Please send resume to the stars, where they will be incinerated and their essential information melted down into a pixie song, which will be performed by an ogre with green rhino-skin, a heavy brow and features, cauliflower ears, a delicate touch, and uncanny timing.

Please send resume to The God, who will break it to him gently.
Please send condolences to the roses, lilies, carnations, and violets donated in loving memory of
that time when
it seemed like
we had a successful business model
and the wind at our back
and forever within a nice safe snug democracy
and bodies that could never lose their verve;
way back when
all those nice cozy bedtimes and lazy mornings felt
fully guaranteed, bonded

From the inside out
feeling yourself aglow all through up to and even past your edges
To heal body, mind, heart, soul
To heal body politic, community, and shared love
To find
a way home

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