In Between
Abe: Forever floating for a moment ‘fore
that final step when I fall like Satan down
while tattered wings shrill rustling whistling sing
athwart my bursting ears
Sara: You seem the same as you always have seemed
Abe: A ghost is dead but stuck on earth to haunt
expired premonitions of some soon
arriving destinies. I’ve walked beyond
my life to living haunt myself, outrunning death
Sara: Sounds like an existential stand to me
or some other gimmick of desperate thoughts
in times of great leisure and little soul
Abe: I (inside-out) walk the edge between alive
and dead — where God with mortal most overlaps.
No fear nor hope of future separates
my mind-in-motion from the God who makes
through the shakes
of Holy thought
Sara: Then ask your buddy Lord and God
restore the bounce your steps once kept
and carry our venture past our lonely schemes
Abe: Here held always on the precipice
we dance with Holy Spirit in mystic time
beyond all times and spaces. Form of Good
where wisdom past all notions dwells
A perfect Formless Form of Purest Love
Ascend we there by forgetting every known,
remembering only the joyful giggling Light
beyond feelings and ideas
Sara: You’re spirit soars on angel wings
but body heart and mind all like stones sink
And what of
Our shared purpose to sail this ship
away breakers smashing jagged stones,
towards open seas where once again
the many choose what’s best
by witnessing one another
as drops of perfect Love?
Our goal’s
a delirious
a fever dream.
Why can’t we please start again?
Abe: We must go into the mystic
as sacrificial virgins leap
with open arms into the fire
their tribe dresses up as God
Sara: Your leap of faith’s a pathetic
collapse. If God is Love, God’s mystery
is found in fearless relentless Love
for everyone. Not gimmicks that scheme
salvation meets success meets animal satiety
Abe: What do you want from me anymore?
Sara: Some navigable path to the man
I married for his smile that shone
for all but loved his wife enough
to lodge a million shards of Light
into his body pressing hers
into his smile hearing hers
into his strength cuddling hers
Abe: I have to get well or else we’ll never win
the game for everyone the game the way we’ve pledge to play
Sara: It has to be Okay either way
I need that much faith from you
We don’t have to anything
except each other love
so gently complete
as to dissolve ourselves
and, a Love without bournes,
become All and Nothing,
love everyone and no one,
forget our perfect strategy
Abe: I don’t see how that’s different from what I’m saying
Sara: It’s different from what you’re doing
Abe: Well how? What? I just …
Sara: Come with me to see the sparkling sea
Come take a walk and be just you and me
two no ones in a nowhere that no one recalls
but that was nice that was cozy that was home
enough for two intertwining lifetimes