I know you
I know an abuser when I see when
I know what you are
What you’re willing to do to get your way
How boring and stupid your way is
How lost you are
And how you need others to be lost with you
To be lost under you, worshipping you, serving your needs, helping you convince yourself that you matter most and thus matter
Maybe you could change
But first you need to stop
I know accommodaters when I see them
Schwarmy, self-serving, all-deceiving
Anything to be part of the winning team
Anything to gnaw on your bone and get your ears scratched near the hearth
Anything to sound important
Anything to seem great, part of greatness
Anything to win
First you compromise here, then there, and before you know it, it’s so easy, much easier than listening to your soul, which was never clear anyway, since souls have all that heart and mind to get through, which space is of course distorting. This is much clearer, this winning, winning at all costs, this clever use of “true” and “false” as tools, weapons, blunt objects, scalpels — everyone does it, we’ll just do it better! Does everyone do it? Have you always done it?