Happy Endings

Happy Endings

By this art I would conjure Spirit fill
all hollows: mine, the rest’s, and our overlapping
awarenesses, centered around shared wills.
Our feet thus catching, and heart-oped mouths laughing,
we hand and hand and side on side a better way
together should weave and wind, bidding each drop of life to stay,
to stretch and grow and hang forever
in the Light through the center, from which we never sever.

And lying knave-thief-cheat who by folly wide
and loyalty love and faith far misplaced
will stand upon the worldly throne and ride
across the sky a chariot majestic and graced
with a special locker for a button red
to turn the earth to ash and put us all to bed
all melted down in our sheets
evaporated and gone from our heads down to our feet:

But this evil choice by a people unable to think
as one and so destined to — sending pouts as votes —
together flail through their gift and proudly sink
beneath tyrannies of their own devising, of their own swells and boasts:

And yet instead that this false king — girded round
this go ’round with denizens or heeled or born
prepared to flout the law we’d all once haply found
ourselves well-swaddled and -nurtured within — scorn
apart government for by and of the people:
Instead he mellow to a task of Light —
a job in a democracy; not the evil
declaration that might makes true and right,
That he’ll joke with Obama and Biden and get along
in the tradition of stewards of this land, learning that strong
is only good in the service of gentle kind honest resolve
that flows and easily towards what is wisest and best for us all.

And, safe to yet here my mind speak and sing
such songs as to fill these open inner plains;
And, health youth and pep by this same starry offering
me surrounding, embracing, up-raising and laying —
as Sleeping Beauty from her thorny bed up-stretched
renewed — upon a bed of clovers and mosses; I up and catch
your slender fingers within my own,
therein rescued, known and safely home;
As children over a coloring book with happy faces bend,
we jointly our happy ending write, and as a letter send
on ahead of us, our futures to assure —
that we’ll be good for us and the world
as we move it be no sin
as we live it be to the gain
of everyone
a win-win
a nice story

And so you can surely see
how very critical it be
that we fire up our Pure Love factories
and finally find the recipe
for a wisdom meme to enlighten us all
in our lonesomes and through the tasks to which we’re jointly called.
And so we plunge like fate into the heart of it all,
into the mystic, where we hope the Godlight heals us,
and guides each conscious drop — even as it reveals us
to ourselves, one another, and the Joy between.

Author: Somebody I guess
Editorial Team: It would have to be Bartleby Willard and Amble Whistletown
Copyright: Andrew M. Watson
End Result: We need to get our Pure Love towers burning, filling clear skies with the rainbowy smog of our great industry; We need to refine Something Deeperism into a perfect espresso shot — the wisdom meme, the delightfully bright idea that burrows deep and widens out, making wisdom inescapable; We need to go into the mystic and work with it to reassemble our project from the inside out.

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