From the Publisher (Updates Jan 2020)
Dear Readership,
Where are you?!?!
Well, anyway, here’s the publishing updates:
1. First Loves (Vol 1 of “Love at a Reasonable Price”)
Is completed and for sale on this website (see the “Buy the Books” tab)
According to our research, approximately 4/7,530,000,000 people are currently in possession of the book.
And of those people, only the author has read all that much of it.
According to any conceivable metric, this collection of stories and essays about the manufacture, distribution, marketing, sale, and consumption of the eternal spiritual good Pure Love is not currently a commercial success, nor a crowd-pleaser.
Maybe it is boring — maybe that’s why.
Maybe there’s too many philosophical asides — even after editor and author worked so hard for so many years to create convenient run-off sluices for all but the most essential philosophical asides.
In any case, there it is: not succeeding too much so far.
2. First Essays (A collection of essays written while writing “First Loves”
Yeah, well —
So basically —
Honestly —
Totally done.
How about this: We’ll release it by the beginning of February with or without a coherent theory of mind and consciousness.
That’s not like a promise promise promise.
But it is more than just a wish.
Let’s call it: “a goal”.
3. Superhero Novella
Author Bartleby Willard tells us that this “quick but satisfying read” and “eternal exemplar of metaphysical pulp” is completely finished and doesn’t even need to be reread by editor Ambrose Whistletown.
Editor Ambrose Whistletown tells us he’s going to read it once more anyway — just in case.
Both author & editor assure us the book will be released within a week.
4. Up next for Bartleby Willard??
We’ll discuss that in our next
As always, we thank you for reading and wish you and yours
TRUE WISDOM & JOY, & some pleasant wholesome earthly successes too.
Skullvalley After Whistletown, Bookmakers Extraordinaire