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Category: Poems

What is Love? #6

What is Love? #6

Living inside you, burrowing through
Your unfolding maze.
Living for you, wrestling with you
Held in your gaze.

Exhausted. Tired.
Falling. In my bones.
Beaten. Sleeping.
Caught out and done.

Hand me down, where is love,
What is anything to touch,
Where does the dying come from?
So very tired, like a slashed girl
Bleeding away on the side
Of cobbled stone way

What is Love? What is Real?
Where can I be? Who can I hear?
I want no other, only the Lover
Who never backs down.
Some kind of Goodness
Where is the Godspark
I’m all alone

Lift up my hands now
Heaven just stands by
When will I know by
How will I know by

I want no other, no kinder lover,
Only the seashore rolling me home.
How strange the salt spray
How cold the sand today
Corpse at the beachhead
Tin can helmet
Filling with water
Tumbling on smooth stones
Let him alone.
Someone will miss him
Someone will have to
Marry another.
Bury her brother
Cry on about a son.
Who is the reason?
What is the caesar
Guiding this caravan?

What is Love?
What is Love?
Is there a God still?
Is there a Truth yet?
What should we ask for
Here on our own?


What is Love? #5

What is Love? #5

What is Love?
Everyday, blood whisking through
Artery tubes and veins too
Keeps us pumping, thumping strong
Keeps us jumping, right or wrong.

What is Love?
The monster it hurts us,
Hump-backed old sack
Teeth green sharp mismatched.
The monster it lumps out,
Yellow squid eyes searching.
Long scaled fingers lurching
Down to us, to undo us again.

What is Love?
What will sustain us?
What could contain our
Fiery fever, deep-seated reason,
Heart on a table, gut in hand.
So warm, so refreshing
surely progressing,
Making us strong.

Love does it suffer?
Love does it wallow?
Love is it hollow
Like a snug valley
Where we belong?
Love is it fiercesome?
Love is it boisterous?
Can it be wrong?

Come on and hold us,
Come here and show us
What we’ve come from.


Jabberwalk / What is Love? #4

Jabberwalk / What is Love? #4

[Chapters of Diary of an Adamant Seducer]

[Sung to “What is Love?” by Haddaway]

Stumble on, something fierce.
Come along, take a talk.
Whistle low, cut the sluice
Out it flows, splashing off
Yon flat-topped stone.

Give us fleshtufts that last.
Gift us heartclops that hold
Tight, cinching down sure.
Move the frenzy, shake it twice.
No one sees; it’s the dark
Where we shake it nice.
No one cares anyway

The hairy brute with jagged jaw
Of overbiting yeller fangs,
Shoulders like tombstones,
Fingers concrete blocks.
Lurching crooked.
Sewn up sloppy.
Poor old fiend.
Poor thing.

What is right?
What is wrong?
How to know?
What to do?
Where’s the source?
What’s the twist?

Row a sinner through the glands,
Hoist a sinner up the gallows.
Guide a sinner to the mists
Where chaos splits and Jesus sits,
Clear in mind, steady hand
Flat-palmed snaking back and fore
‘Cross radiant haloed whitebread face.

Shape it, Jesus!
Show it, Jesus!
Flow rivers of passion and ideation,
Ease sumptuous human rivers
Easy, gentle, towards the Good.
Work it, Jesus!
Ah, ah, ah, we came down with the punched-up rowboat rocking, sloshing, sinking, leaving us to float like starved orphans, like victims of another unjust famine, like small skeletons of taut flesh and bucked-out teeth.

It is OK now.
Now we’re baptized.
Now we’re friends.
It’s not weird anymore, not awkward or anything.
It’s cool now.
Basically; pretty much cool.
I’d say; I mean, you’d have to ask


[Chapters of Diary of an Adamant Seducer]

What is Love? #3

What is Love? #3

I live within the bosom
Of a squirrel in the tree
I watch from inside a hole
In the hickory barks
Lining asphalt street

Can you hear me?
I am talking to you.
It is cold in this park
In a red windjacket
Soft Hair finger-
blown by a wet wind

Don’t you forget me
Don’t you leave me
Here alone in the rain.
I know you won’t
I know you can’t
I know your name.

Pretty flowers plucked
Petals tossed
White slippers
On glassy rolling creek
Baby don’t worry
Don’t scurry away


What is Love? #2

What is Love? #2

All along, through the fire, long fingers blazing. Calls me out, cuts me down, turns me round. Who will stay.

It’s OK. Anyway.

I love you like when we’re just kids
running atop the badlands,
along the borders,
across the moor.

Stone walls picked from the fields.
Tall grasses fold over.
Dew-wet leather sneaks.
Pretty girl in stripes-on-white
Cotton dress.
Jack-knifed at the knee,
To while placid
By the stream.
Let her be,
Let it go,
As if!
With straw in mouth
Wide-brimmed hat
Shirtless tan
Denim overs overall
A handful of dandelions
Hang their heads
Out the huge
Central pouch.


What is Love #1

What is Love #1

What is love?
What kind of joy
I’m searching at
What kindness will
bring me there?

Who is around,
What is within,
The angels they
Cannot say.
A cold fogs in,
settles down
Mists on out.

Sunlight shouts
Through our haze,
beach burns clear
Water sparkles
lapping happy
Skipping free
from side to side.

I’m just a man,
I’m but a boy,
I’d be a friend
I ask your heart:
speak now with me,
Sing for us please
Tell us all please
Where we could stay.

We cry like gulls
Adrift on a draft
Held up aloft
Caught in the sky
Waiting to see
What is right
For you and me.


Poems to stop the evil

Poems to stop the evil

Your own wound; your secret wound.
Their own wounds, announced and not.
Our own wounds, exaggerated and underknown.
Commingling here, somehow together.

It was a terrible thing, what the British did,
allying with the Tutsi against the Hutu,
creating a minority power to ensure loyalty through the bullying.
It was a terrible thing, what the Hutu did,
slaughtering the Tutsi out of rage and spite–
so many years after, fueled by tales old and new.

How bad the bad when the French lords,
in pomp and splendor,
bled the people in their squalor.
But then the Revolution: how mean the blades,
how mad the logic, how Godless the certainty.

Peace and love for all,
the freedom of privacy,
of coming and going–
of course, of course.

North Korea, from across the most sparkling sea,
with a missile can now strike us in our bright
and comfy towns.
So what now?

The globe, so diverse in chitchat, in opinion,
home to me in this happy little respite
from history,
snuck out here with my living room,
fresh organic produce,
Netflix subscription,
French, Spanish, and poetry Meetups.
But everyone now knows about terrorism,
about loose nuclear materialism,
about the notion that infinite wrongs
could be righted by my death,
your death, our dying out,
the collapse of our grand systems
of law, commerce, fun and study.
So what now?

We children,
some more privileged than others,
of a big, fat inland empire.
Some more honest than others.
some kinder than others.
some wiser than others.
Children of Democracy writ large and strong.

The mystic poet seer genius types
say all is well, all is one,
all flows from and to the same
sweet giggling innocence,
that the Light keeps getting brighter
until we all realize that there’s nothing else–
never was.
OK, sure,

Trump lies and people say that’s just politics.
It isn’t. It’s the cynicism of a people who’ve given up
on Democracy, but figure it turns out it wasn’t such a big deal after all–
seeing as they still have gasoline in the eager tanks and sunlight in their pretty eyes.

We’ll rally together for good government,
for openness and fairness in government,
for rule of law and the dignity of the process,
for the ends don’t justify the means,
or we’ll swell up and bloat and pop in chaos.

Or maybe we get lucky, or unlucky–
it’s always a bunch of things all swirling together,
and only cranks and other radicals pretend it’s the one gold tooth
that can be held up to glint in the relentless justice of their unforgiving sun.

the evil,
the mistake,
the cruelty,
the greed,
the pursuit of a world where deceit and heartlessness is rewarded,
where honesty and kindness really are just for suckers
and the handful of saints who somehow really do know for sure and shining through it all without question that Love is the final, the irrevocable vote.
But, no matter the speeches at funerals, most of us are not saints.
We are in-betweeners, and in a system where decency is reasonably compatible with pleasant-living, we have nice lives and slide into heaven, but otherwise we are mean and brutal and confused and slip down to hell.

What is the balance between individual freedom, rights, responsibility;
And the system within which we’re enmeshed?
How to push oneself, and the chords of society, culture, friendship–
the ties of other that wind round and through us–
how to push out from within, to push it all towards the better,
towards enough protection from grinding teeth, dancing knives, whirring lies
to breathe in joy, create and share,
explore and grow
by the dusty rocks
laced by thumby scrag-brush more brown than green,
in the brightest morning sunlight
tucked in on all sides with cool desert morning air,
free to roam and enjoy without stealing another’s way,
without breaking our everyman vow
to be ourselves in aware kindness.

How to proceed?,
we ask ourselves.


Was soll ich tun?

Was soll ich tun?

Ich lebe einfach so, nicht weit entfernt des Parks.
Alles is so ungefahr akzeptabel. Ich kann nicht klagen.
Als ich jung war spazierte ich gern den Bach entlang.
Mit dreizehn durfte ich mit meinem Fahrrad den Grossen See besuchen.
Ich fahrte Rad an kurvigen Wegen vierzig Fussen ueber Lake Erie.
Zwei Fusse links und stuertzte ich vom Kliff herunter.
So eine Risiko wuerde ich jetzt nicht gern akzeptieren.
Damals aber bemerkte ich den Gefahr nur beilaeufig.

Deine Zauber binden wieder
was die Mode streng verteilt.

Wir zerstreut verflossene Kinder
die Dein Gunst flehend suchen
leben weiter im Nebel munter
hinter gluehenden Scheinwerfern
mitten deiner regnischen Naechten.

Ich und dich und alles
was dazwischen gafft und lacht
was die Nacht uebereinsamwacht
was uns hebt und schnell vergisst


Arbeit Macht Krank

Arbeit Macht Krank

Du hast gehoert, und da oben gelesen, dass die Arbeit frei mache.
Ich aber bin hier dir zu sagen, dass die Arbeit ganz bestimmt krank macht.

Du hast gehoert, und selber erfaehrt, dass die Arbeit schlank macht.
Ich aber bin hir um mitzuteilen, dass die Schlankheit nicht ausreicht.

Wer kann klagen? Wer kann mit ernstem Gesicht seine Arbeit beschimpfen?
Hier heutzutage ist es alles ganz leicht, ganz einfach, ganz bequem.

The Love’s Suitor

The Love’s Suitor

Every day we look in her eyes and call her to our side.
Every night we cuddle up into little melon balls and slide
between her ways and inside her minds as best we can
asking for friendship and anything that might stand
through the waves and the gibbers that toss and turn
through the quicksilver, moon-eyed, dark-soot night.

When but a lad running on the beach, footprints damp
and filling with water, fingers soft with light and sand,
I caught you in my arms, and held you close to my chest
thin and tanned with the salt in the air full of zest.

I know who you are
and I’m here to report
I know what you love
and I’m here to agree
I know what you see
up there from above
and I’m here to shove
aside all that would
divide us.