Business Plan
Pure Love! Pure Love! Pure Love for sale!
Pure Love on the open market.
Pure Love organizing your feelings and thoughts around and in accordance with Its perfect Light and harmony:
The first truly useful product ever!
Pure Love as the impetus and organizing force behind critical thinking and decision making:
Finally a reason to be, and a purpose for and a workable system for being reasonable!
Pure Love exploding your own limitations, allowing you to flow with minimal distortions off Its blessed Joy-in-Creating/-Giving/-Sharing/-Lovelifting!
And Pure Love exploding the boundaries between my daydream and yours, allowing us to all think and work together to nudge our organizations, systems, language, laws, practices, and habits towards the better and away the worse!
Finally a product so good and holy we really are obliged to just give it away!
I fret the hangman’s noose.
I sweat the killing juice
that flows in your vein
that shoves you out the stain
that sleeps you down forever
that keeps you in the never never
I was there when Lucy old and hobbled
her moist hangdog eyes scared but trusting
we drove her to the vet
and the vet said we’d made the right choice
that it was time
So by a thin hand in a light-blue latex glove Lucy was given the juice in a foreleg
Then Lucy grew still and Lucy was gone
And it turned out Lucy was eternal, that Lucy was not that long-bodied, short-legged, shaggy-hided, long-muzzled, yip-yapping little machine.
You’ve asked for a business plan,
but I’m afraid that I’m turning to dust
You ask for us to raise on up, hand over hand,
grand empires of industry. But I fear I must
now stagger down into the nil
where there’s not motion, nor will.
A business plan, you say?
We’ll sell Pure Love
I picture a wisdom meme that you can’t resist; and once inside, it blossoms into a self-organization around Pure Love that you cannot help but work on more and more every day, so that your conscious moment flows more and more smoothly off the Pure Love shining through everything (including each conscious moment); and I see us all finally knowing enough to know that we all already know all the same exact thing: There is a Truth, and the Truth is Love, and we can and should admit that we already share meaning and can thus already share thought, action, decision, power, responsibility. I see private and public lives transformed by the Truth that we are all in this together, bound in and through and for the Love that chooses everyone.
But how is that a business?
Brothers and sisters, believe!
Brothers and sisters, believe!
Believe, believe with only a faith the size of a mustard seed, and if you tell those great jagged Rocky Mountains out West to hop into the sea, they will: the will remove themselves — probably create a lot chaos and destruction, houses collapsing, bodies careening here and there (just because we can, it doesn’t mean we always should! Friends, faith is a great power: use it responsibly!) — and go for a swim in that great sparkling blue that they out West — with their laid-back, sun-tanned California-drawls — call the Pacific Ocean.
Yes, these mountains will indeed obey you, if you can merely muster faith the size of a mustard seed!
How do we know?
We know because Jesus said so; and if anyone should know about faith: well, it’s Jesus Christ, Son of the Almighty and Everlasting Lord God!
Brothers and sisters, believe!
I know you feel yourself getting on, maybe you think you’re tumbling down, maybe you feel you’re caving in, crumbling down, falling apart. Maybe the doctor’s given you bad news! Maybe you don’t need to hear it from the medical community, maybe you feel from the inside out that your vessel’s taking on too much water, that she must soon flounder, founder, and fall deep beneath the chopping waves and bilging winds.
Brothers and sisters, believe!
Believe like your life depends upon it, because it does!
Because it does, brothers and sisters!
You’ve read the book, you know the score.
Jesus made the blind see, the cripple walk, the dead live!
And that same Jesus is here today with us!
Yes, brothers and sisters, I am speaking of the Living Christ!
Here and now! Yesterday, today, tomorrow, always Jesus lives and Jesus acts and Jesus heals!
And so call on the name of the Lord!
Prayer to Jesus, His Father in Heaven, and that inscrutable but yet somehow metaphysically indispensable Holy Ghost!
Friends, don’t take it from me: Find it out for yourself!
Friends, faith is meant to be lived!
Friends, faith that is not lived is not faith and it is not life: It is nothing, it’s a book no one’s reading!
Friends, open the book!, read the words, let them live in your heart, in your intellect, in the work of your hands and the words you speak!
Brothers and sisters, can’t you — with all that vast conscious space exploding in every direction, and out even into that Reality which exists beyond all times and all spaces — ! Brothers and sisters, can’t you in all that infinite space of your feeling-thinking body gather up one dollop of faith as big as a measly little mustard seed?
I think you can, I think you must!
Friends, your faith will make you well!
If it happened in the Bible, it can happen here and now!
Friends, that’s faith: That’s what it is to believe on the Word of God!
Friends, if it happened in the Bible, it can happen here and now!
That’s the Living Word! That’s the Living Christ!
Stand and walk!
Throw off your sickness!
Rewind your wound!
Rephrase your mind!
Awaken your heart!
Brethren, I say to you, God wants you to be well!
Let the Lord God make you well!
A business plan
We start from the mystic
We start from loving-kindness practice
We start from compassion meditation
We start from the Joy of life, the Joy at the center and bursting forth everywhere and out to beyond all times and spaces.
And we beam out the Purest Love.
We beam Pure Love out into the world.
We beam Pure Love to the heart of every man, woman, and child.
We beam Pure Love to heart of every critter on God’s great green world and in God’s deep blue sea!
We beam infinite blast of Pure Love after eternal explosion of Pure Love, and we toss out wisdom meme after wisdom meme, like litterbugs on the highway as it winds, hot and sparkling, beneath a pale blue desert sky.
And we have the great faith, we accept the fundamental spiritual wager that this existence is most fundamentally a spiritual one, that only Love is truly Real, that everyone is a child of the Living God, is a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, is a part of family.
And this then is business, this then is industry, this then is nice work if you can find it.
Author: Bartleby Willard
Editor: Amble Whistletown
Copyright: Andy Watson