Business Plan

Business Plan

Come here I need you here. I’ve business
with you and I believe you know it’s true.
I’m making millions to court and impress
my little darling angel only you.
Don’t care ’bout dough, but moisten I must
your lips with a space a plan a home you can trust.

You wanna hatch and I wanna inspire
But you require a nest to feel all comfy and ripe
So kilns of great industry I light; deep into night they’re fired
That you might relax and open, unfolding life into life.
For this I amass a heaping bucket of cash —
that we might from all clank, crash, and trouble dash

A Business plan.
My plan is healthy, wealthy, and wise
with you tucked safe cozy under the lee side
of some peaceful green mountain that lies
in Quietland, where time drips easy and mild
where children play safe and parents laugh
without fear of or guilt for “the other half”.

A business plan.
My plan is Pure Love exploding out
our bed, through house, neighborhood —
through nation, world, universe a shout
of joy. My plan’s to study the True Good
with you my baby doll and for everyone
to study with us the sacred star, the holy One.

A business plan.
Bottle caps and tire hubs and shiny tinsels
Capillaries and pupils and appendages and sacks of foam
Places where our bodies remember and our smiles don’t lie
A moving of this and that from here to there
that’s somehow worthwhile and not just for show and pocket

But I don’t care about anything except being safe with my girl
But this is not the way life is
For the systems we live within, can lift us or crush us
And the arrangements we arrange can nurture or undress us

A business plan for spinning daydreams of Pure Love
into the world where they guide us alone and together
towards the better, away the worse, towards a democracy that is really
of by and for a people that are really
aware, clear, honest, competent, compassionate, loving-kind, joyfully-sharing, -caring, -creating, -playing, -growing.

Where’s that plan?
And where’s my heart’s delight?
The wheels of industry
The gears and levers
The steam and the clatter
The driving arm into the wheel
You tell me
how we do this
Please tell me

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