Book Give-Aways / Looking for a Demographic

Book Give-Aways / Looking for a Demographic

Hey there! Can I interest you in an ebook?

If so, write us at, and let me know if you’d like a Kindle/Mobi or Nook/Epub file, and if you’d prefer to try “A Readable Reader” or “Superhero Novella with A Web Sampler”.

What’s the difference between “A Readable Reader” and “Superhero Novella with A Web Sampler”? The former is a collection of stories, essays, commercials, poems and reportings selected from First Loves, First Essays,,, and the vault; the latter’s a novella about superheros trying to figure out a way to stop crime at it’s evil roots, followed by selections from,, and

We’ll also send you a short questionnaire that you can fill out if you’d be so kind.
We’re not entirely sure that these books have demographics, but if they do, we’d like to find them, so we can try to reach this potential audience.
Right now we have no audience at all, which pains us.

[Obviously, our demographic should be anyone who feels the Hurt loud and spreading, but feels the Joy even within the Hurt — feels the Joy winning even there.

But that’s everybody, and it seems unlikely that everybody will like our books, even if we’d hit our stride and told it like it is at an angle that can’t be denied and so slips in, but that then snags from the inside like a harpoon and doesn’t leave, instead worming its way deeper and deeper until reaching the heart, which it duly pops, spilling black blood, releasing the life-demons in a torrent of warm exhaustion. And it’s doubtful we achieved that with these books.

So we thought, well, maybe, for example:
People who like philosophical ideas in their fiction, and who have an interest in nonliteral spiritual paths, and who like taking walks.]

If you would prefer to just buy a copy of one or both books, that’s cool too.
See Buy Our Books! for links to various formats.

Tables of contents are below our signatures,

B. Willard
A. Whistletown

Superhero Novella
“metaphysical pulp”
Novella Preface
Pt 1: Introducing the Players
Pt 2: Furthering the Old and Making New Acquaintances
Pt 3: The Story Unfolds, Blossoms Even
Pt 4: The Tale Unwinds and Slips Down the Rusty-Bar Sewer Drain
That’s the End of that Book
Optional Addendums to Pt 1; Optional Addendum to Pt 4
Novella Afterword
About the Cover
A Web Sampler (broken down by site)

A Readable Reader
“oh please please please be readable!”
Disclaimer; Preface
Part 1: From “First Loves”: Introduction to “First Loves”; A Couple Decides Whether or Not to Drink; Love Engineer; John of Charles, A Something Deeperist Prayer
Part 2: A Little More Love: Love Castle; Love Freighter; Internal Memo; Love Dust; A Love Maker Speaks
Part 3: A Few Ads: A Couple Pure Love Ads; Ad for the “Objectively Cute” Baby Onesie (featuring Soren Kierkegaard and Regina Olsen)
Part 4: Standard Frame Story: The Pitch; Chapter 1 of “Diary of an Adamant Seducer”
Part 5: From “First Essays”: Pure Love Give-Away; The Things We Long For; The Law; Buddhist Marriage Counselor; A Fun New War; Introductory Ode to the Invincible Anti-Weapon
Part 6: Pure Love Mogul: Days 1-3, Pure Love Audit [This section is an alternative, or perhaps additive, frame story — it is Bartleby and Amble tending the Pure Love General Store in the Wild West, and then Pure Love auditors invading the piece of their grand brick PL industrial campus.]
Part 7: A Dozen Poems [I won’t list them all here]
Part 8: NYC Journal (first-hand accounts of life in NYC): Two Homeless Men; The Man Who Gives Out Flowers; NYC Journal #1 – Limited Visibility
Part 8.25: About the Cover
Part 8.5: A Mini-End
Part 9: Something Deeperism from “First Essays” (tucked away at the end here, so you can skip it if need be): Plato & Bartleby Exchange Texts, A Something Deeperist Writes an Otherist; A Simpler Shared Something Deeperism: In a Republic; Freedom of Will
Part 10: A Long Advertisement for Pure Love / Essay on the evils of marketing
The End
A Couple Appendices

Everything on this site is copyrighted by Andrew Mackenzie Watson

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