Bizarro world

Bizarro world

Have I lost my mind?
At what point do the citizens of a democratic republic vote to preserve democracy?
Am I crazy?
I feel all the time like I’m walking on the moon upside down and it turns out the moon is populated by green blobs that bounce for walking and out of which sound emanate for conversation. I feel like either I have lost my mind or my fellows have.
The talking heads still spinning for Trump.
The billionaires still spending for Trump.
So many politicians only too willing to lie for Trump.
Didn’t we all see his own administration have to stop him from trying to steal the last election?
And now we’ve watched those kind of people sidelined by the GOP while elevating people willing to condone Trump’s behavior.
And what is talk about staying in office for multiple terms, and talk about using the power of the federal government to go after political enemies and attack media sources critical of his regime: isn’t that the talk of an abuser grooming an entire nation for where his hands are going to go next? And sure enough conservative think tanks draw up plans and rosters to fill his next presidency with people whose most fundamental “qualification” is loyalty to Donald Trump. He decried these think tanks when their plans proved wildly unpopular, but we all know what’s coming if we hand Trump and his team the keys to the kingdom.
So why don’t we say, “No”?
Does nobody else feel those fingers tickling their shoulders, before angling down and across?
Why has the Republican Party given in to this dishonest amoral anti-democratic and increasingly chaotic and unstable man?
And why doesn’t the nation rise up and tell him “No!”?
Or am I crazy?
Is this all fine and good?
Will we have democracy in 2028 whether Trump loses or wins?
So many people act like there’s nothing to worry about that I begin to doubt my sanity.
Am I crazy? Is it okay that he tried to pressure his DOJ to send the legislature of Georgia a letter falsely claiming that the DOJ had found widespread irregularities in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election? Is it not such a big deal that he told the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” enough votes to swing the state his way? Is it fine that he uses lies about the 2020 election being stolen from him as a cornerstone of his 2024 campaign? Is it politics as usual that the GOP has silenced those who would question this behavior? Does a simple diversity of opinion explain why the bulk of GOP voters now believe Donald Trump’s lies over reputable sources of information?
I keep thinking of my dad saying that the Russians just say anything and they keep repeating it and that passes for reality for them; and here we are and Trump has been the Russians for years and now he’s turned the GOP into the Russians and next comes the time when we all have to nod along to clearly absurd state lies; and voila: In a few short years what could never be here is here.
Or am I crazy?
At the very least, shouldn’t we the People step in if the Republican are going to support this behavior?
Why don’t we?
What is going on?
I spent so many years knowing this was something that happened in other countries, where they didn’t have democracy and freedom and good plumbing systems.
Now I am always upside down

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