

That you can write yourself well in all the ways a person needs to be well — from the interaction of conscious awareness feeling and thought with the spiritual core shining through each conscious moment, out through your felt-thought, into ideas, words, symbols, actions; and even out into the wider layers of yourself: communities, organizations, governments, worlds.

For the irony of human life is that in one sense we are completely alone with God, locked within individual conscious spaces that are comprised of Godlight shining through feeling/thinking/acting; but in a deeper sense, that feeling/thinking/acting is not really real, not really us, and so we are simply Godlight shining more immediately through our “own” semi-sealed conscious moment, but also through everything we experience, everyone we interact with, all the systems, organizations, assumptions, governments that we live within and that shape our “reality”.

How is it that

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength; and your neighbor as yourself?


The wise rest on interdependence and impermanence as seagulls rest on warm air rolling up off the sloshing sea.


By suspending all belief, the Academic Skeptics were pleasantly surprised to discover a sense of Blessedness?

All point to the same Truth?

Human language — from baby’s first words through literature, math, science, and so on — is fit only for poetry, only for pointing-towards realities and Reality. For example, science is “real” to the degree it points towards a completely accurate picture of what we discover when we discover when we pair our inborn logical assumptions (of which mathematics is a part) with our inborn sense perceptions and inborn assumptions about how sense perception and logic fit together; but science is “Real” only to the degree it points an observer towards the Love that contains within Itself and transcends Beauty = Truth = Goodness = Fair Play/The Well-Ordering of Systems (from an individual human’s system for organizing themselves around the Love shining through each conscious moment, to larger systems to various degrees informal and informal — like families, schools, churches, friend groups, towns, nation-states, et cetera).

Yes, we replaced “Justice” with “Fair Play/The Well-Ordering of Systems”. You could use “Justice” there, as Plato did in his Republic, to mean, “every part knowing and performing its function”, but the notion of parts “knowing” their place has created a great deal of trouble; and using the word “Justice” without any kind of careful formulation mostly just seems to make trouble. Beauty, Truth, Goodness, and Justice are all spiritual Goods — the concepts point past human ideas and feelings to some angle of our deeper inner sense of what is really going on, what really matters, and how we should move with what’s really going on towards what’s best for all — ; but “Justice” is a highly flammable concept; people are so ready to confuse it for “revenge” that it often seems more trouble than it is worth.

The Reality is spiritual Love, an infinite eternal Love that chooses everyone, and that creates, sustains, and shines through all things. The Reality is Pure Love: an infinite joyous giving. Everything else is illusion. We are Real to the degree we are free to the degree we are our truest nature, which is Pure Love. To the degree we remain our own ideas and feelings, we are the big interconnected daydream of information, minds, bodies, all running together in accordance with the laws of cause and effect. But to the degree we live in and through and for Love we allow Pure Love to go from being the transcendent cause of all things to the immanent cause of all things. Naturally, the process is never perfect, and we are always somewhat — perhaps even largely — illusionary, but moments of consciously living Pure Love do to meaningful degrees happen. And it is worthwhile to practice awareness, honesty, clarity, compassion, loving kindness, and joyful sharing: it is worthwhile to follow those inborn tools towards the inborn Way, towards communion with the Love that is prior to ideas and feelings. To the degree we don’t, life is too boring and lonely for us to understand, believe in, or care about. The Absurd is the sense of alienation we experience when we try to suspend all belief. The Truth is the explosion of Pure Love we experience when we suspend all belief, and are left with our own conscious moments at a point beyond all stories (which are always a mixture of feelings and ideas).

That is itself only poetry. We writers, speakers, friends, and lovers are (after all) stuck here in the way words and deeds flow in and out of ideas and feelings. But feelings are wider, deeper, and vaguer than ideas and words; and yet by working to feel, think, and act more aware, honest, clear, compassionate, and joyfully sharing we can get better and better at relating feelings to ideas and words. So why not use a similar process to get better and better at relating feelings, ideas, words, and deeds to the Love shining through everything (including each conscious moment)?

Poetry heaped upon poetry. Your shoulders still getting tense. Still need to get to work soon. Still worried about x and y and z.

To “write yourself well” was never just writing. The writing was just supposed to be a path to put all together. To feel your way to health, and also to the mystic, and also to a way of living both in Pure Love — which is outside of timespace, and all particulars — and in this human world, where you need love and work, and to somehow find a way for that love and work to be more in service of Love than in service of animal hoots and hollers, and other things that are fine and neat and if they weren’t, why bother creating all this?, but that are, when all is said and done, not quite Real, not quite free-cause, not quite us, not the core of what we’re here to learn.

But time space, motion, and information have a way of drilling through, hollowing out, disassembling every project. A person is a project. A life is a project. Relationships are projects. Organizations. Every human endeavor is an organization, a system, a project. Time space, motion, information; and the admixtures of these elements: All illusions, but some illusions point human conscious experiences better towards the Truth than others.

The jig is up.
We’re found out.
And tomorrow we hang.
The gods in the heavens are too blessed and immortal to notice.
The Great God beyond all timespace, motion, information, feelings, ideas: that God Knows that all is well, and so that God also will not stay the hangman’s hand, though his noose-y fingers kill us, and each time he uses them, he wears his heartmind down a little thinner, kills himself a little more.
So that leaves us, but we’re no match for the tumbling stones and the spraying lava, and soot that in a great poof first fills and them seems to become the sky.

Author: Bartleby Willard
Technical Assistant: Amble Whistletown
Copyright and standing on the platform as the last train chugs out the station, just out of reach: Andy Watson

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