A Way

A Way

There must be a way

But there’s many steps, and several are impossible

There must be a way

I don’t think so; I think just let it go, stop making trouble

There must be a way

Step one A is impossible; step two A was already extremely improbable, before we had to add in the impossible step one; step three A requires another and here’s where you just make trouble like we’ve seen more than once and anyway she’d have to be a fool even were it not for step one, which we’ve already pointed out is impossible; step one B is a riddle you can’t even formulate, let alone solve; step one C feels like a silly vanity project, given the difficulties we’re having with A and B.

There must be a way. Step A has one possible route; somebody did it; is doing it.

Yeah, but for how long? And not well enough to ask for step 3. Anyway, step 2 was already too steep a climb. Already, step 2 made step 3 to be a silly, selfish, self-deluded request. And we’ve seen no convincing solution to step one, and even if you could wriggle your way through, it’ll take time.

There must be a way. If I go into the mystic. I just need to be a little more disciplined. In the mystic I can do it. I can feel the hints. I can feel my way to the correct turns. I can thread the needle. Remember the rich man who followed the camel through the needle’s eye into the Kingdom of Heaven? And the mustard seed that commanded the mountain to jump into the sea? See? It can be done. There are precedents.

There’s no way for project A. Already you stumble and already you drift down through the chasm. It’s just mean to ask anyone to go nowhere with that little precious time that bridges a life to itself

I don’t want to give up on project A. It’s the only project I ever really cared about. Project B I felt I ought to do and I could do by virtue of the magic I thought words could conjure. Project C, well, that’s vague, and largely in support of project A. Please, I don’t want to give up on project A. There must be a way.

I’m praying for a wisdom meme. I’m praying for an idea that helps. I’m praying for a song that guides us through the confusion back home. I’m asking for a way to not melt into alone while the sand castles are rolled over by the rising tide. I’m asking for projects A through C. I’m asking for a way. And the Hurt must somehow also come forward, must somehow be released, must somehow be forgiven. We must somehow move beyond these little hiccups. If Love is Real, we must let Love be Real.

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