A Symphony
A symphony
that would help
that would help us all to together see things as they really are
both in the deep heart
and here in the scudding surface where we
touch one another
and the deep heart
How God?
How humanity?
How to forward in this moment?
When the world feels foolish, reckless, angry, desperate, flailing
How to write the songs that help here and now?
How to the tell the truth in a way that segues well with the Truth and with how we here and now all together think and feel?
A symphony for the people
A symphony for the stars in the heavens
A symphony for the God in and through it all
A symphony for the people who shine like stars
each a sun lit by the God that lights all with eternal Love
in time?
For time races fore
while we slip our bones and cut down into our own flesh
while we skip our tracks and crash forward into and break with terrible shrieking metal our own selves
How do we together compose
the symphony that weaves us together into the wiser way?