Dear America

Dear America

Dear United States of America,

We have been writing political essays and poems for eight long lonely years.
And now we feel like failures.
We do not seem to have stopped the evil.
All we’ve managed to do is guarantee that if this Donald Trump and this GOP win this election and our government does slip enough towards tyranny that those who speak out against Donald Trump face financial, reputational, legal, and/or worse peril:
I say:
All we’ve managed to do is guarantee that we’ll be enemies of the people to the degree that Donald Trump’s false equivalency of “Donald Trump = The Country = The People” is forced into reality via the same old boring and cruel might-makes-right and leaders-define-reality logics that are always there, but that we have been lucky enough to keep out of power for a long while now.

And time is up.

Anyway, please vote for Kamala Harris and then please work with her and the rest of the nation to improve the health of this wobbly democratic republic. Ours is a two-party system. One person will win this election, and selecting Donald Trump to lead the nation and dash around the world with the button that can destroy the world: That would be a mistake.

Now, let us review some of what we have in our own lonely desperation scratched into the forever-aether of the info-age.

Although, there’s so many people writing things that everyone should know.
Maybe we should also put together some links to and excerpts from professional essays and articles about this moment in human history.

So let’s do two pages:

In Trump and the Evil, we can review what we’ve written about Donald Trump, representative democracy, and political evil.

In Readings, we can review other peoples’ writings that we think particularly relevant to this moment.

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