Choose wisely USA

Choose wisely USA

It is Saturday, October 5, 2024
We are having trouble with this one. It was begun September 22, 2024.
We’ll publish it now not because it is done or even because we’ve made much progress lately, but just to be able to read it on the website like a regular page on our phones. So we can mull on it from that angle.

Dear citizens of the United States of America,

I believe that whoever you are and whatever your values are, you’re best choice in 2024 is to vote Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America.

I take this position because I believe the following:

(1) Allowing Donald Trump with this GOP to win in 2024 would reward the type of anti-democratic behavior that it is our duty — as referees of our system of government — to discourage, and it would greatly increase the likelihood that Donald Trump’s corruption of his party could spread to a corruption of the whole nation.


(2) Liberal democratic republican governments are spiritual goods.


By protecting freedom of speech and an independent media, forbidding unjust imprisonment, setting limits and checks on individual powers and asking the citizens to serve as a final check on madness, corruption, and tyranny in government while together simultaneously growing both their shared conversation and their shared government; liberal democratic republican governments align the goals of their leadership with the goals of their citizens, which helps everyone to effectively share the universal values (aware, clear, honest, accurate, competent, compassionate, loving-kind, and joyfully-sharing), without which none of our worldviews mean anything to any of us.

By allowing us to effectively share the universal values, such governments allow us all to share both community and meaning — which allows us to more effectively share conversation, power, rights, and responsibilities.

Tyrannies are invariably incompetent — at least if you measure the competency of a government by the kind of environment it creates for its citizens. This because tyrannies are not trying to govern well, so much as they are trying to maintain power no matter the costs to their fellow citizens. Leaders in a tyranny are most fundamentally attempting to maintain power, security, wealth, and other “goods” for themselves, their cronies, and their loved ones: If your goal is not first and foremost representing your constituents and making decisions in the best interest of the citizens of the nation, of course you’re not going to manage either of these difficult tasks very well.

Conversely, in a representative form of government with freedom of speech and an independent media, politicians are incentivized to govern competently and in the best interest of everyone. Leaders are incentivized to govern competently and with good will, and to seek win-wins. Because pretty soon these leaders will have to make a case to their constituents while standing in an election that they will have to concede if the majority of the voters decide they did not do a good job in the previous term.

The beauty of a healthy liberal democratic republic is that the goals of the leadership align with the goals of the governed. In a tyranny, one cannot stand up to corruption, madness and evil in government without risking the standing, financial security, health, safety, and freedom of themselves and their loved ones. This creates a negative feedback loop where prestige and power are rewarded to those most willing to lie, cheat, and abuse power; and, by selecting for this behavior, tyrannies select for further and more egregious abuses of power, oppression, and crimes against their own citizens.

In a tyranny, the citizens have to choose between protecting themselves and their loved ones and standing up for what is right; whereas in a healthy liberal democratic republic, the good of the governed and the good of the government are in harmony, and so one is free to be both successful and publicly virtuous. Indeed, a healthy democratic republic creates a virtuous feedback loop where the government selects for honesty, accuracy, competency, good will, and good stewardship; and by rewarding this behavior, the government governs better and wiser and society is kinder, gentler, in more joyful.

The fundamental difference is that the leadership of a liberal democratic republic is incentivized to seek win-wins for the whole nation within an assumption of honesty, professionalism, fair play, good will, and service; while a tyrannical government is incentivized to divide, intimidate, mislead, and confuse their citizens so that they can continue to reward those who help them abuse power and silence, punish, and destroy those who would make it more difficult for them to abuse power.

Stop for a moment to consider how beautiful it is when people do not have to choose between (A) telling the truth and fighting against corruption and injustice and (B) keeping their families safe! Stop for a moment and consider how beautiful it is when the governed and the governing are alike incentivized and empowered to select for honesty, accuracy, competency, and good will!

And stop for a moment to consider how evil it is to pursue a system of government that rewards lying, cheating, stealing, maiming, imprisoning, and murdering in the name of the state; and that actively punishes telling the truth, fighting corruption, and doing your job competently and without bias. And watch yourself in the room where you have to choose between protecting your family and giving them a nice life and fighting for a democracy that is already gone: Watch yourself sin more and more as the “goods” your clamoring for become — through the very incompetence and corruption you are serving — scarcer and scarcer. A

Obviously, the health of any given democratic republic is a thing of degrees, and people find ways to be virtuous even in the most corrupt environments. The relationship between (a) being able to publicly and privately abide by the universal values (aware, honest, clear, accurate, competent, loving-kind, joyfully-sharing) and serve the public good and (b) being able to care for one’s loved ones is not absolute; but these two forms of government represent two distinct paths and the one is clearly preferable to the other. The more corrupt a government, the more people are rewarded for dishonesty and cruelty and incompetent stewardship of the public good. That is why tyrannies feel so upside down: Top-down corruption and crime force make honesty, goodness, and decency life-threatening habits. That is a terrible way to live! Better to be middle class in a healthy democratic republic than an oligarch in Putin’s Russia, beholden to state-sanctioned crime for your money, your safety, and your standing.


(3) The citizens of a liberal democratic republic are a critical part of their government. They are like a branch of government. But unlike the other branches, they are only tasked with selecting representatives to govern for them. As such, their most fundamental duty is not debating specific policies, but refereeing the process. They should educate themselves and together grow their shared conversation while they together nudge their government towards the better and away from the worse; but their most fundamental task is ensuring that politicians meet a minimum standard of honesty, accuracy, openness, good will, fair play, and competency; and most fundamentally to serve as a final check on madness, corruption, and evil in government. In this way they incentivize public virtue and actual-helpfulness, thereby creating a place where honesty, good-will, competency, and useful creation is rewarded — the kind of place people want to live in because they can share the universal values (aware, clear, honest, … joyfully-sharing) without which none of their worldviews mean anything to any of them while also doing neat things and providing for themselves and their loved ones. It is so nice to just able to live and speak and move and laugh in a free city in a free land!

Fun Fact: Did you know that Putin is hunting down not just outspoken dissidents, but regular, ordinary Russians who’ve fled his dystopia? [link]


(4) In all elections, but particularly in this one, we should not ask not what our politicians can do for us, but what politicians we can meaningfully and productively partner with to help our government protect our shared representative form of government and our shared inalienable human rights — rights which include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


(5) A vote for Kamala Harris in the 2024 is our best hope to stop the spread of corruption from Donald Trump to his GOP (which corruption has already largely been accomplished, but can perhaps be to some degree reversed if Donald and this version of the GOP are soundly defeated in November) to our government to us (for the truth is that once a government reaches a tipping point into crime and corruption, more and more people start reasoning that “well, this is just how it is here” and “everybody’s doing it” and “at the end of the day, I have to look out for my family” and so on and so forth as they help to make their world a little darker).

Donald Trump’s lies are pervasive, and often anti-democratic and/or outright hateful. There is ample evidence of anti-democratic and corrupt actions taken by Trump while in office [link]. And we hear every day as Donald Trump promises to abuse the power of the presidency to undermine democracy and the rule of law. And we watch in real time as his mind seems to slip further and further from the kind of mental and emotional coherency that one should require from a world leader. We have hours and hours of testimony from Republican officials from his own administration outlining the steps they took to prevent him from forcing a constitutional crisis while attempting to overturn an election that he had no legitimate reason to question. Today’s GOP has sidelined Republicans who refuse to either cover for or just straight-up echo Donald Trump’s lies, invectives, and not-so-subtle hints about the dark post-democracy future he envisions for us. How easy it was for them to forget their high principles and to slobber all over the ring of the man who would be king!

The GOP’s intra-party discussion ended with a decision to back the man who openly and brazenly tried to steal the 2020 election and who continues to lie about that and everything else while also spreading hateful xenophobic lies. They have chosen the direction of increasing political evil. It is the right and duty of the voters to recognize this crime against our shared government and send them a decisive defeat.

note that machivellian internal politics are corrosive to this form of government, as is the idea that leaders are only supposed to do the will of those who voted for them — fundamental to the success of this form of government is the idea that we are all in this together and we are lucky to have one another and to share this form of government

a politics of gratitude and responsibility

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